Why I Strive to be a 0.1x Engineer | Benji’s Blog –

The times I feel I’ve made most difference to our team’s effectiveness is when I find ways to not build things.

  • Let’s not build that feature. Is there existing software that could be used instead?

  • Let’s not add this functionality. Does the complexity it will introduce really justify its existence?

  • Let’s not build that product yet. Can we first do some small things to test the assumption that it will be valuable?

  • Let’s not build/deploy that development tool. Can we adjust our process or practices instead to make it unnecessary?

  • Let’s not adopt this new technology. Can we achieve the same thing with a technology that the team is already using and familiar with?“The best tool for the job” is a very dangerous phrase.

  • Let’s not keep maintaining this feature. What is blocking us from deleting this code?

  • Let’s not automate this. Can we find a way to not need to do it all?

Source: Why I Strive to be a 0.1x Engineer | Benji’s Blog –